Direction Orange Cake

مايو 22, 2016
Orange Cake
This cake is very delicious
you can add icing suger on the top if you want

    Ingredients of Orange Cake

  two cups of all purpose flour
half tea spoon salt
three tea spoons baking powder
one and half cups of sugar
half cup of milk
half cup of orange juice
half cup of vegetable oil
one and half tea spoons of grated orange zest
six tea spoons softened butter
two cup of confectioners sugar
three eggs
two tea spoons orange juice
one tea spoon of vanilla extract
one tea spoon grated orange zest

Direction Orange Cake

 heat oven to 175 degrees  *
 combine milk ،half cup of orange juice, beaten egg*
 and one and half tea spoon orange zest ,,,,keep a side
   sift baking powder ,salt and flour  then mix with sugar*
then add milk mixture to flour slowly and mix with spoon in one direction
until mixed
   bake in an oven *
Oriental Kitchen

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